📄️ Contacts and Sync
Learn how to use your Contact Section.
📄️ Messaging
Many of our users expressed a desire for a streamlined method to nurture their connections, with viewing past communications being crucial.
📄️ Inbox
An intelligent LinkedIn inbox designed to prioritize and organize your essential dialogues. Conversations are the cornerstone of building relationships; let's delve into how to leverage all the Inbox features to elevate your networking prowess...
📄️ How to Manage Tags
To centralize and manage all your tags, simply navigate to the 'Tags' tab in the primary top bar. Here, you'll be greeted with a comprehensive list of tags, displaying the following details:
📄️ Integrations
Sync your data to Hubspot including messages!
📄️ Templates
Having a ready-made template can significantly reduce time spent on repetitive actions like sending identical messages.